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Business Plan

Engaging employees in a large-scale change process

Delfinity continues to work with a community Broadband company that is growing into a commercial operation. The company had approximately 18 employees, but they were set to grow significantly. A new management team had been appointed and were focusing on developing processes and procedures to enable the business to grow and diversify their operations following a successful investment campaign.


Performance management was one of the areas of concern and Delfinity were appointed to design a new performance management process. To ensure employees were engaged and bought into the new process Delfinity facilitated several focus groups to seek employee feedback on current performance management practices and their input to what the new process should include.


Following the focus groups Delfinity presented a summary of feedback and a recommended way forward to the management team. Following their agreement of the recommendations a second round of focus groups were held to feed back to employees and test the new process. The new process was then finalised and launched.


Alongside the focus groups Delfinity also designed and delivered a flexible working survey to understand employees’ views following a year of remote working and to inform plans for returning to the office following the Covid19 pandemic.


The survey results were also fed back to the employees during the second round of focus groups and incorporated into a flexible working process.


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