Restructuring an organisation to meet changing customer needs
Delfinity were appointed by a local community trust to undertake an organisation review and to design a new organisation to better meet the needs of the island community. The organisation was responsible for a number of diverse activities including social housing, windfarms, farm landlord, holiday cottages, boat moorings and garden maintenance.
Delfinity undertook interviews with the current employees and trustees to understand the current situation, issues, and capability gaps. It was clear that the roles were ill defined with little individual accountability. This resulted in community members being unclear who was best placed to resolve their query and duplication of effort which impacted overall productivity.
Delfinity designed a new organisation structure with clearer accountabilities and responsibilities to deliver a one point of contact for each activity. Delfinity worked with the Trust Manager to consult with employees on the proposed changes, the impact on their roles and potential redundancies.
Following the conclusion of the consultation all employees had been redeployed into new roles with job descriptions and new contracts of employment and a new position was created and advertised to address a significant capacity gap and reduce the reliance on expensive outside consultants.
The organisation review was completed without any appeals or employment tribunals.